One question that I get often is who is celebrating which Mass? How is this determined? I'd like to share a bit with everyone about how we are making those decisions.
During the week the setup is pretty simple and is mostly determined by when a priest has their personal day or particular engagements that conflict with daily Mass times. Monday, Father Andrew and Father Jose take a personal day, so Father Jared helps with the 7am, a guest priest covers the noon while Father Drew is at school, and Father Drew celebrates the 7pm Spanish Mass after Guiding Coalition meetings.
On Tuesdays, Father Drew says the 7am since Father Andrew and Father Jose could be returning from their personal days, Father Andrew covers the noon and Father Jose generally has the 7pm for the rest of the week. On Wednesday, Father Andrew normally celebrates the school Mass while alternating preaching with Father Drew, who then celebrates the noon mass on Wednesday and Thursday. Fridays we get help from Fr. Jared again in the morning and on Saturday mornings as well.
For the weekends, we've developed a four month rotation. Over the course of those four months, Father Drew will celebrate the 9am, 10:30am, 12pm, and 1:30pm each twice and the other four masses once. Each cycle, Father Andrew will celebrate the 5pm three times, and the 9, 10:30am, 12pm, 1:30pm, and 7pm each once. Every four months, Father Jose will celebrate the 6:30pm three times, the 7pm twice, and the 9am, 12pm, and 1:30pm each once. And Father Jared will celebrate the 7:30am three times and the 10:30am once every four months.
Obviously, vacations, exceptions, and other events could affect that cycle, but we want you to know a bit of the logic behind the schedule.
God Bless,
Fr. Drew