This Council has the responsibility to oversee the financial health of the parish. Our committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm at St James in the Church Hall.
The current members of the Finance Council are as follows:
Michael Schultz, Chair
Rick Hillebrand, Member
Bill Kinney, Member
Paul Scott, Member
Elaine Staley, Member
Jesse Sandoval, Member
Bill Morehead, Trustee
Bonnie Moschkau, Trustee
Fr. Drew Olson, Parochial Administrator
Laura Koltes, Business Manager.
The Health Ministry program promotes wellness through a holistic approach to health that encompasses our total being of body, mind, and spirit.
The Parish Nurse serves parishioners as a health educator, health counselor, facilitator, integrator of faith and health, advocate, and referral source. The Parish Nurse makes visits to homes, hospitals, and care centers. The Parish Nurse is able to assist church members with physical, emotional, and spiritual health needs across their life span.
Health and Wellness Programs and Offerings:
Free Blood Pressure Screenings: Offered the 3rd Sunday of the month after the 8:30 am Mass at St. James; and monthly after the 10:45 am Sunday Mass at St. Joseph.
Walking Group: Weekly walking group meets every Tuesday at 9:15 am at the customer service desk at the Hilldale Mall to walk in Faith and Fitness.
Annual Flu Clinic: Every October with free vaccines to all parishioners.
Communal Anointing of the Sick: Assisting the Pastor, each February this Sacrament, formerly known as Last Rites, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual sickness. The anointing of the sick is also available at other times by contacting the Pastor.
Health Commission Mission: We extend the healing mission of Jesus by supporting, developing and creating a caring health and wellness orientated environment.
Members work with the Parish Nurse to plan and implement programs that promote wellness through a holistic approach to meet the needs of the parish. The volunteers promote health through “health hints” in the Sunday Bulletin and bulletin board, assist with blood pressures, and guide the parish with prevention and health promotion educational sessions. Membership is open to all parishioners interested in promoting health awareness in our parish.
The Liturgy Committee has the responsibility of supporting the pastor and the parishioners in the worship of our parish with special attention to the liturgical ministers, the liturgical environments and music. The Liturgy Committee meets monthly September to May on the second Wednesday of the month.
The Committee members are Margaret Adamowicz, Chair, Rebecca Frontiera, Beth Hanson, Kitty Maas, Carol Marshall, Mark Miller, Bonnie Moschkau, Carol Scott, and Alex Tomovici .
If you have an interest in being a part of the liturgical celebrations as a Lector, Commentator, Eucharistic Minister, Server or Usher, please contact the administrative assistant at the Church Office.
Click here for the administrative assistant's Email
Or by phone at 608-268-9930
Pastoral Council
The Joint Pastoral Council guides pastoral action and ministry through working closely with the pastor and parish staff to form policies and programs. The council investigates all things pertaining to pastoral life and the works of the parish. It reflects prayerfully on them and then proposes practical solutions. Presently, the Council is equally represented by both St. Joseph and St. James.
Volunteer Commitment
The commitment is a three year term. The council meets bi-monthly during the months of September to May. Meetings generally last approximately one and a half to two hours. Council members should join a parish commission if not currently serving on one.
To be a candidate for Pastoral Council, one must be nominated (can nominate self) and elected by the parish at large. Additionally, one person is appointed by the pastor. Nominations are solicited the first month of each year, with elections following shortly thereafter. Candidate must be Catholic and a member of our Good Shepherd Parish.
Pastoral Council membership includes Fr. Drew Olson, Chris Eshun, Dana Maas, Ivan Arias, Leonard Reed, Tom Michaelis, Patty Sommer, Koso Weller, Lilian Gomez, Obdulia Reyes, and Jose Agudo.