We will have a bilingual Mass at 9 AM on Sunday, February 2nd. Bishop Donald J. Hying will install
Fr. Drew as Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. We will not be having a 10:30 AM Mass on this day. We hope to see you there!
Jubileo 2025: Una oportunidad para ser signos visibles de esperanza Por: María del Mar Muñoz-Visoso, M.T.S.| Directora Ejecutiva, Secretariado de Diversidad Cultural en la Iglesia, USCCB y la oracion de Jubileo.
Jubilee 2025: An Opportunity to Be Visible Signs of Hope By: Maria del Mar Muñoz-Visoso M.T.S.| Executive Director, Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, USCCB and Jubilee prayer.
Dear Family of Faith, For Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, this Advent season is a time of encounter. We began this season by reflecting on the first encounter between God and His creation...
Our new parish trustees will be Bonnie Moschkau and Otoniel Ortega.
Los fideicomisarios recién elegidos para la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe son Bonnie Moschkau y Otoniel Ortega.
TV Announcer: “The second largest city in Armenia is in ruins. We saw houses turned into heaps of metal and concrete. Schools and kindergartens turned into heaps of rubble.”...
Read about the theme of week 2 of our Advent Kerygma Series: Captured, by Adult Formation Coordinator Gary Wiley.
Lea sobre el tema de la semana 2 de nuestra serie del Kerigma de Adviento: Capturados, por el Coordinador de Formación de Adultos Gary Wiley.
Let us think of the many people whom Jesus wanted to meet, especially people affected by illness and disability, in order to heal them and restore their full dignity.
Dear friends,What painting of Jesus do you find most meaningful? Some might choose His Nativity or His crucifixion. Still others may choose Him at the Last Supper. One of my favorite paintings is...