As you have seen with the scaffolding around much of the building, we are well underway with the renovation work at OLG/St James Church Site. We wanted to provide an update for our parishioners regarding what has been found and where we are with our current project timetable.
We are pleased to be working with our construction partners; G.C. Vogel Brothers, masonry and tuckpointing by R.D. Woods and roofing by Langer Roofing. Initial analysis of our project needs was handled by PRA Architects and Building Envelope Corporation.
Tuckpointing, or the addition of mortar between bricks, has been completed on the two bell towers and has started on the front and west walls of the building. Roofing tiles have been taken off in some areas and we are now down to the ”bricks and sticks” portion of the project where we can see the areas of deterioration that have allowed water penetration over the years. All sides of the building will be addressed and tuckpointing work will be completed as needed.
The work being done on-site includes; tuckpointing, replacement of frost shield under roof tiles as needed, flashing repair/replacement, caulking and replacement of roof tiles that are in poor condition.
Some additional items and minor painting are also being done.
A ”Substantial Completion” date of August 2nd has been set by our General Contractor. This does not mean all exterior work will be complete on that date, but we will be close with the final scaffolding coming down afterward. Flashing work could extend the date slightly. Knowing that date we will begin reaching out to get quotes on plaster and painting of some of the interior. This will not be a full re-paint but sufficient that we will once again have a church we can be proud of and happy to attend. Additional decoration of the interior will come at a later date as we discern our facility needs.
Thank you all for your patience and prayers as work continues. Thanks too to all who donated to the project. Please be aware that we are staying within the scope of work as presented to the parish. We continue to be strong stewards of our buildings and financial resources.