Faithful from around the diocese came together at Saint Patrick Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe Pastorate for a solemn celebration of Tenebrae with dozens of diocesan seminarians.
The weekend of April 20th and 21st we will be celebrating first communions at all weekend masses. We have about 90 children from our pastorate who will receive their First Holy Communion. We have given families the choice of which mass they would like. That said, we look forward to celebrating with those families, praying for the children of our pastorate, and preparing ourselves to be patient that weekend with the expected increased attendance, traffic, and duration of mass.
Our communications team, Marie Ethen and Patrick Frazier, are looking at doing some improvements on the bulletin, both in format, design, and reduction of errors. We have a lot of information passing through our office and it has been difficult to review it all in time for publication. The date for submissions has been pushed back a day, and we request everything from the public to be submitted no later than midday on Tuesday.
We have around 75 members of our community consecrating themselves to Our Lord of Divine Mercy. They've been doing daily devotions and meeting as a group every Saturday. On Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th, there will be a special celebration.
The Easter Triduum is the most sacred time of year. See the button on the bottom right corner of your screen for Mass Times and Directions this week and every weekend.
The Pastorate Leadership Team (PLT), made up of Bonnie Moschkau, Marie Ethen, and Amber Cerrato, are working with Father Drew to come up with a new Rallying Cry to answer the question, what is the most important thing we can accomplish in the next four to six months.
We discussed the direction of the liturgy with the Guiding Coalition this past week. We used our three strategic anchors, Community of Nations, Accessible to the Poor, and One Stage in the Journey to evaluate a proposal that our liturgical celebrations seek to stay in the center, neither progressive nor traditionalist. We have people from many different countries, and many visitors so we don't want a liturgy that causes unnecessary discomfort. This is currently being discussed and more clarity will be provided as we make decisions. There are no changes to the liturgy being planned at this time, but we're trying to help clarify expectations for the future.
We have shifted Young Adult Ministry from being part of the official programming of the parish to a "lay apostolate" meaning that we will be supporting non-staff lay members of our community who feel called to ministry to young adults. We will support those leaders with training, accompaniment, and use of our facilities. We will not be providing promotion or covering costs going forward. Myra Kraemer is one young adult who feels inspired to lead this effort, [email protected].
After Easter, I will be available from 5pm-8pm every Wednesday in the Saint James for open office hours to receive any questions, confessions, complaints, concerns, or suggestions people might have. First come, first serve.
Tricia Norby, the Director of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program at Saint James, is reviewing the process for applying for Wisconsin Shares funding for childcare. We want to make our ECE more "Accessible to the Poor" and believe there could be a higher demand for this program as we come together as a pastorate community.
We are moving forward with the assumption that we will be applying for School Choice funds this coming January/February. Tricia Norby, our current school counselor and Director of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program, accepted the invitation to take on the responsibilities of School Choice Administrator
The Education Commission met and decided on a couple other people to be included going forward, but we desire to keep the team at 12 members or less to facilitate better discussion. We will be reviewing the Six Questions of the Pastorate to form Six Clarifying Questions for the school.